I want to take people on an inward journey, leaving the here and now. I want to help people travel to a place where they feel related. I grew up in London, exposed to a diverse array of music and local characters. I was searching for an escape from the mundane and at the very same time I was searching for secrets that would make the mundane magical. The sounds I was exposed to, groups like Steeleye Span, Focus and Fairport Convention, singers like Stevie Wonder and Noddy Holder of Slade all helped lend meaning to that search. Fortune placed musical instruments in my hands, the violin, guitar and harmonica… I made friends with all of them, later the jaw harp, tin whistle and chromatic harmonica. Fast forward to the stages of Symphony Space, Merkin Concert Hall, Lincoln Center and the Smithsonian institute.

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. I was making music with great musicians. Later still, playing music of yesteryear at Barbes and Cafe Moto in Brooklyn… all good yet something was begging me for change, attention. It was time to write my own songs.

As I write and play these songs, I’m trying to create missing bridges for listeners. The search for alchemy… for something both magical and fundamental guides me. The past has put me in good stead, working with remarkable musicians, composers, dancers and choreographers; some with “names”, some without. Amongst them Ramesh Misra, Samir Chatterjee, Sangramithra Chatterjee, Anders Osborne, Yusuf Sheronik, Jeff Hudgins, Michael Arenella, The Prodigals, Carolina Slim, Fast Forward, David Shea, Janaki Patrik, Olivia Rosenkrantz, Paddy Reynolds, Tom Doherty and many more.

I studied violin with Paddy Reynolds (RIP), learning the older traditional music of Ireland from someone who was a living link to the past. His old world sensibilities clicked for me in both music and life. He was an unconventional mentor. There’s more of course, and plenty of unique experiences that shaped the music, but I feel there are enough words on this page. Enjoy the songs and let the music speak!